well, well, well
It appears I have fallen off the blog wagon again. I really intended to start off the new year writing more on here but then life happened. Vegas. Moving the office. Spending 5 days in bed due to a horrible case of the flu. That was just in January. We won't even get into how my gallbladder decided it was going to just up and quit on me and the surgery I had in March to have it evicted. And 3 weeks after that, we went on vacation back home to Canada to see my grandparents and my grandmother became very ill and passed away while we were there. It was rough. SOMEONE HOLD ME. One of my favorite old sayings has proven very true over the last two years "nothing happens and nothing happens and then EVERYTHING happens." I had years of nothing happening and then these last two years has been jammed packed. Yall. This life business ain't no joke.
I'm having one of those moments weeks with another one of my favorite quotes. "It's funny how day by day nothing changes. But, when you look back, everything is different." I hate when the past comes back to visit. It's not easy. Especially when you think you are doing really well and then you hear something and BOOM, it rocks your world. We're talking...shakes you to your absolute core. Thankfully I have been house sitting for the last week because I need time to process it and fall apart and be angry and cry buckets full of tears. I was a complete mess until late Tuesday night. I was pretty sure I had lost my damn mind and was gold star certified crazy and now, I have some kind of strange peace. I still get a little teary now and then but for the most part, I'm doing much better now. I hate when things like this catch me off guard. I just have to take time and grieve over what I need to and put it in the past. I have to remember to let the past make me better, not bitter. And that's where the above quote walks right in. Compared to where I was and who I was 2 years ago, my life is SO MUCH BETTER now. I can't even begin to describe how I have changed in that time, especially in the last 18 months. I'm going to be OKAY. I mean...I always am. I'm thankful for my great friends that are so supportive of me and my crazy.
I promise to try and start writing more!
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