Thursday, December 27, 2012

Preach. Teach. Learn.

What an interesting month this has been.

Someone I worked with quit last week. It was epic. I'm sure you are wondering why I would ever write about her in a blog. I'm kind of wondering that myself. She was one of those people that would be real nice to your face and then stab you in the back if you weren't careful. Just downright hateful sometimes. She drove me nuts. I still can't figure out how you can work somewhere for two years and still not know how to write an order properly. I even broke it down Crayola style for this lady. On top of that, how can you sit somewhere and not do anything for hours at a time? How can you argue with someone when they are showing you the right way to do something and you KNOW this is the right way to do it?! It's like we would say "the sky is blue" and she would say "no, the sky is pink". It still blows my mind.

The saying stands true though..."some people come into your life as a blessing while some come into your life as a lesson." She was a lesson, for sure. Things with her didn't start out horrible. I was actually really hopeful that she was going to work out. Then about a year ago, things changed with her. She started to be mean and hateful in the things she did. It's hard. It's hard to not dish it back to her and it's hard to let it not control your emotions. I will gladly admit that I dished it back and let it control my emotions. After all, you reap what you sow, right? Right. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I shouldn't let this hateful woman bother me. I killed her with kindness and it drove her up a wall. There were times that I did dish her hatefulness right back to her. I am human, after-all.

I have learned that if you do good, you'll feel good. Life is too short to be petty over things. There is no need to be rude or ugly or hateful. Have a good attitude on life. Of course we all have bad days but we have to remember that it's exactly that. Just a bad day...not a bad life. If you want change, change has to start with YOU first. You have to be willing to accept the change. Overthinking will ruin things and make things worse than they actually are. Stop the glorification of busy and LIVE a little. The laundry can wait another day...go to the park and swing or something. Go people watch. Just go do something. Keep a smile on your NEVER know when it could cheer someone up. It's the little things, yall. The little things that make this terrible world a much better place. 

Lord knows I need to practice what I preach. I'm learning, though, I'm learning.